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Home > Content Library > Why Mobile-Friendly Responsive Websites Are Crucial To Your Business

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Home > Content Library > Why Mobile-Friendly Responsive Websites Are Crucial To Your Business

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Responsive Websites Are Crucial To Your Business

Responsive websites show your customers that you care about their user experience. Responsive web design is the practice of building a website suitable to work on every device and every screen size. No matter how large or small, mobile or desktop.

Your customers are using their desktop computers or laptops less frequently than their tablet or smartphone to view your website. Now is the time to evaluate how your small business website displays on tablets, smartphones, and even computers. It’s highly unlikely that you will know every user. But you can incorporate best practices for your website to create experiences that support a wider range of people, more of the time.

Download our responsive websites guide and learn more about:

[custom_list style=”list-9″]

  • How responsive websites can boost your company’s profits
  • The different types of mobile design (responsive, adaptive, and separate mobile website)
  • A responsive web design can improve your search engine rankings


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Responsive Websites Are Crucial To Your Business

Responsive websites show your customers that you care about their user experience. Responsive web design is the practice of building a website suitable to work on every device and every screen size. No matter how large or small, mobile or desktop.

Your customers are using their desktop computers or laptops less frequently than their tablet or smartphone to view your website. Now is the time to evaluate how your small business website displays on tablets, smartphones, and even computers. It’s highly unlikely that you will know every user. But you can incorporate best practices for your website to create experiences that support a wider range of people, more of the time.

Download our responsive websites guide and learn more about:

[custom_list style=”list-9″]

  • How responsive websites can boost your company’s profits
  • The different types of mobile design (responsive, adaptive, and separate mobile website)
  • A responsive web design can improve your search engine rankings


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